There are a lot of fees and expenses that come with being an SLP - ASHA dues, state licensure, conferences, certifications, travel, materials, copious amounts of coffee, etc. I don't know about you, but I'd rather save my money for more important things, like this, this, and this.
I recently decided to go for my ACE award, because, why not? If you've never heard of the ACE, here is the ASHA link. It's open to any SLP participating in the ASHA CEU registry who earns 7.0 CEUs within 36 months. CEUs don't always come cheap, so I've scrounged up all the freebie ones I can find. Let me know if you have another and I'll add it to the list!
/r/ and /s/ methods from SATPAC (this one may be expired, still haven't tried it!)
Happy CEUing,
Leslie Wegner, M.S., CCC-SLP, is a speech pathologist and voice teacher specializing in singing/professional voice, swallowing, accent modification, and AAC. She is the owner of North Texas Voice and Speech, a member of ASHA Special Interest Group 3, Voice and Upper Airway Disorders, and is a proud Veteran of the US Army Band. Connect at, Instagram, and Facebook.